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Learn the basics of new language! Create fast, safe and interactive apps with no programming experience!
Swift from scratch - learn programming on iOS- free udemy course
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Put your Swift skills to action by building Taskly, a practical todo list app
iOS 12 & Swift 5: Build a To-Do List App- free udemy course
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Develop your first iOS game using the SpriteKit framework and Swift 3.
Build 2 Games for the iPhone- free udemy course
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Make your first games for the App Store with Xcode 8 and SpriteKit. Learn to code in Apple's Swift 3 programming lang...
Develop 6 Beginner iPhone Games with Swift and Xcode- free udemy course
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Learn how to make watchOS apps and learn to code in Swift. Learn the secrets of HealthKit.
Learn Programming for App Development on the Apple Watch- free udemy course
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