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Understand basics of database design & development through step by step procedure
Basics of Database Design & Development- free udemy course
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Diabetes Prediction using Machine Learning in Apache Spark
Data Science:Hands-on Diabetes Prediction with Pyspark MLlib- free udemy course
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A 30 min overview of what kind of data advertisings use and how that data is collected on your devices.
Big Data in Advertising - Explained in Plain English- free udemy course
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Learn Real world Production Scenarios
Redis - World's Fastest Database - Beginners to Advance- free udemy course
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Discover the top Internet of Things (IoT) Trends, Technologies and Related Websites for 2020 and Beyond
The Internet of Things (IoT): 2020 Trends and the Future- free udemy course
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Master yourself in MongoDB with Hands-on Practical Examples, Learn PHP Basics & Advanced, Work with Git, JSON and XML
Practical MongoDB : For Absolute Beginners [NoSQL Database]- free udemy course
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Category: nosql